The mission of the Martinsville Uptown is to foster an environment in the Uptown central business district where entrepreneurs are cultivated, their businesses are promoted, assistance programs are offered and visitors are always welcome!
Martinsville Uptown is a Designated Main Street Affiliate of Virginia Main Street and the National Main Street program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Like thousands of communities across the country Martinsville Uptown has adopted the Virginia Main Street ApproachTM. The Virginia Main Street Approach TM provides a flexible framework that puts the traditional assets of downtown, such as unique architecture and locally-owned businesses, to work as a catalyst for economic growth and community pride.
Using the Main Street Approach, Martinsville Uptown has developed a strategy for revitalizing and managing the Uptown district by working in four interconnected areas:
ORGANIZATION - Martinsville Uptown works to establish consensus and cooperation by building effective partnerships among all uptown stakeholders.
DESIGN - Martinsville Uptown works to enhance the unique visual quality of uptown by addressing all design elements to create an appealing environment.
ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING - Martinsville Uptown works to strengthen uptown's existing economic assets and fulfill its broadest market potential.
PROMOTIONS - Martinsville Uptown works to create and market a positive image based on the unique attributes of the uptown district.
Our Vision: We envision Uptown Martinsville as a vibrant business and residential community where its diverse shopping, dining, living and entertainment options create an enjoyable experience for the broader community and visitors.